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This page contains links to papers, speeches and news messages on internet sites with references to Global Basic Income. You can find an overview of articles with Global Basic Income as the main topic on our links page.

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Eduardo Suplicy and
Jean Ziegler

Debate on minimum income

In this debate, held in November 2004, Suplicy and Ziegler discussed about "minimum income as a human right". One of the debate questions was:

"Can all the several kinds of minimum income projects be an indicative of how to work for a global basic income along with the UN?"


Franck Düvell Some Reasons and Conditions for a World Without Immigration Restrictions

Article, published in ACME. Düvell advocates "a just and equal distribution of primary social goods among the world's population" and refers favourably to the proposal for a GBI (planet-wide citizen income) by Myron J. Frankman.


Hugh Segal Relative Poverty: It can't be erased, but it must be addressed, at home and abroad

Article, published in Policy Options, August 2004. Contains a short positive reference to GBI:

"If the next worldwide frontier is a global basic income floor managed by a world opportunity fund ..."


Jakob von Uexkull We can't go on like this!: An Illegitimate Global Order

Background paper for a conference of the Right Livelihood Award. Uexkull writes on the need for a new world order, including a GBI:

"A democratic global body would have the legitimacy to raise fees on uses (and abuses) of the global commons to fund specific projects (...) and develop a global basic income scheme ("earth bonus")."


James Robertson The Role of Money and Finance: Changing a Central Part of the Problem into a Central Part of the Solution

In this paper, presented on18th October 2003 at the XXIXth Annual Conference of the Pio Manzu International Research Centre, Rimini, Italy, James Robertson advocates sharing the value of common resources. The revenue from global taxes on common resources, he continues to write, can be used, among other things, for a 'global citizen's income':

"Revenue from global taxes and global money creation would then provide stable sources of finance for global expenditures, including international peace-keeping programmes. Some of the revenue could also be distributed to all nations according to population size, reflecting the right of every person in the world to a global "citizen's income" based on fair shares of the value of global resources.

This approach:

  • would encourage environmentally sustainable development worldwide;
  • it would generate a much needed source of revenue for the United Nations;
  • it would provide substantial financial transfers to developing countries by right and without strings, as payments for the rich countries' disproportionate use of world resources;
  • it would help to liberate developing countries from dependence on grants and loans from institutions like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund which the rich countries now dominate;
  • it would help to solve the problem of Third World debt;
  • it would recognise the shared status of all people as citizens of the world; and
  • by helping to reduce the spreading sense of injustice in a globalised world, it would contribute to global security."

(Page 14-15)


Juan Somavia Speech to the 9th BIEN Congress, 13 September 2002

In this welcoming speech to the BIEN Congress, Somavia pleads for a "global basic income strategy" which could add

"an additional dollar a day to the incomes of the 1.2 billion people, a fifth of the world's population, who currently survive on only a dollar a day or less."


Michael W. Howard Basic Income and Migration Policy: A Moral Dilemma?

In this paper presented at the 10th Congress of BIEN, September 2004, Howard discusses the possibility of a Global Basic Income on pages 1-3. Although inclined to favour a GBI in principle, Howard assumes that a GBI will not be introduced for some years to come because:

"there are not yet institutions at a global (or regional) level suitable for collecting revenues and administering a basic income. Nor is there agreement at the global (or regional) level on an egalitarian principle of income distribution."


Peter Mølgaard Nielsen Basic Income: Freedom from the Economy

In this paper, presented in Stockholm - June 2003, Mølgaard Nielsen discusses the possibility of a GBI on page 15 and writes:

"... an idea like global basic income might work somewhat like Max Havelaar brand as you financially would supply poor people with a modest extra income, which would give them the possibility to slowly improve their own situation gradually and by this slowly stimulate the third world countries financial situations from the bottom."


Robert F. Clark Victory Deferred: The War on Global Poverty (1945-2003)

Book presentation. Clark advocates in this book on global poverty a Global Basic Income of $365 a year. A short review of the book can be found in BIEN's NewsFlash of January 2005.



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